Workplace Claims On The Rise

470 Labor and Employment Lawsuits Filed In One Week

The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. reported that approximately 470 labor and employment lawsuits were filed in federal courts accusing employers of workplace violations between November 11, 2018 and November 17, 2018. Among the employers accused of alleged employment violations were:

  • Victoria’s Secret Stores LLC Sued by a former supervisor who claimed she was subjected to harassment; that the company failed to accommodate her disability and unjustly terminated her employment.
  • Pfizer, Inc. – A lawsuit filed by a chemical analyst claims that the company failed to pay him overtime and fired him after he complained. This is the eighth FLSA case filed in federal court against Pfizer since 2007.
  • Burlington Coat Factory – Sued by a worker alleging discrimination, harassment, and failure to accommodate her pregnancy.
  • Comcast Corp. – In a lawsuit filed by a 63-year-old account manager, he claims that he was fired because of his age and that the company favored younger workers over older workers.
  • Home Depot USA, Inc. – A lawsuit filed by a former assistant store manager alleges that a new manager displayed age related hostility toward him and that he was subsequently fired despite years of demonstrated quality service.

Breakdown of new employment and labor cases file in federal courts between November 11-17, 2018:

  1. Discrimination – 277 Cases
  2. Wage and Hour – 137 cases
  3. Labor Relations – 30 cases
  4. Leave Issues – 26 cases

Breakdown of new labor and employment cases file in Pennsylvania between November 11-17, 2018:

There were a total of 28 cases filed in the Western, Middle and Eastern District Courts of Pennsylvania. The breakdown is as follows:

  • Western District – 9 cases
  • Middle District – 3 cases
  • Eastern District – 16 cases

It is imperative that you revisit your company’s policies and procedures to assure that your processes are properly updated and that there is a complaint procedure in order to defend against claims of discrimination (race, color, sex-based and sexual, religion, national origin, protected activity, age and disability) in the workplace.

When was the last time your company conducted supervisory/management training or sensitivity training? Such training, implemented on a regular schedule with key personnel, will go a long way in:

  • Avoiding high legal costs and fines,
  • Protecting the company from negative publicity and a damaged image
  • Preventing poor employee morale and lack of productivity,
  • Minimizing employee turnover and absenteeism

The thrust of the EEOC is the enforcement of respect and civility in the workplace.

Pittsburgh Labor and Employment Attorneys

Frank Botta has extensive experience advising companies in labor and employment matters. Please contact Frank at (724) 776-8000 or for more information on discrimination in the workplace or for assistance in understanding the current state of employment laws, rules and regulations.

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