
Kathleen Kuznicki To Discuss Intellectual Property On Empress Of Biz Talk Cast

May 4, 2014

The Lynch Law Group attorney Kathleen Kuznicki will join JoAnn Forrester, host of the Empress of Biz… Listen, Learn and Prosper talk cast, at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 15, 2014. Kathleen, a patent attorney registered with the United States Patent …

Posted in Announcements, Events, Intellectual Property

What is Intellectual Property and Why Protect It?

April 30, 2014

by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. Intellectual property is a concept that is nebulous to most people, you probably have heard of it, but what is it really? Intellectual property is the result of human ingenuity and creativity. The law provides mechanisms …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

Intro To Patents

April 24, 2014

A patent is a government granted monopoly that gives an inventor the exclusive right to make, use or sell their invention for a limited time, in exchange for disclosure of that invention. There are three types of patents-design patents, plant …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

How Long Does it Take to Get a Patent?

April 20, 2014

by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. When people come to talk with me about patenting their inventive idea, inevitably this question arises: “How long will it take to get a patent?”  When I tell them the patent approval process will probably take …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

The Basics of Trademarks

April 18, 2014

by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. What is a trademark? The legal definition of a trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods and services. Most commonly we think of names and logos, but marks …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

Intro To Copyrights

April 16, 2014

 by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. A copyright protects the particular way people expressed themselves.  A copyright gives an owner the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute an original creative work. A work is original if it is not …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

Design Patent

April 14, 2014

by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. You got the (novel and non-obvious?) look! In the recent Apple-Samsung case, the jury found that Samsung infringed six of Apple’s patents.  While we think of Apple as having such technological superiority, three of patents that …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

Trade Secrets: Your Undisclosed Intellectual Property

April 12, 2014

by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. Proprietary information such as customer lists and recipes are intellectual property.  However they are not formally protected in the same way as are trademarks, copyrights or patents.  These and other types of confidential information can only …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

Licensing Agreements

April 10, 2014

by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. Persons or businesses that own intellectual property have certain rights in that property.  Intellectual property includes copyrights, trademarks, patents and trade secrets.  Owners of these properties are free to give as little or as many of …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch

Getting a Patent: Outline of a Patent Application

April 8, 2014

by:  Kathleen Kuznicki, Esq. If you are considering getting a patent, you should be familiar with the items that must be included in a patent application. Below is a detailed outline of the material you will need to prepare to patent …

Posted in Intellectual Property, Legal Watch