Kathleen Kuznicki is a Patent Attorney registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. She works with individuals and businesses, including start-up businesses, to protect some of their most valuable assets: their intellectual property.
Innovative persons and businesses working diligently to solve problems through inventions should seek protection for those inventions by obtaining a patent. Kathleen is highly skilled in translating inventive concepts into patents. She assists inventors with the initial filing of patent applications and continues to work with them during the prosecution of the application. After a patent is issued, Kathleen assists by pursuing infringers.
Businesses often invest significant time and money to build a brand by executing marketing strategies that support the goods and services it provides. Through trademark registration and aggressive defense of that registration, Kathleen helps protect both that investment and the good will a business has worked to establish in its brand.
Kathleen also advises clients who are involved in or threatened with infringement suits, regarding legal strategies for defense.
Other areas in which she counsels clients include:
- Performing white space, patentability, or infringement analysis
- Providing legal strategies in litigation matters that involve intellectual property
- Drafting and/or reviewing non-disclosure and licensing agreements
- Engaging with foreign counsel regarding international intellectual property matters
- Developing strategies to protect trade secrets
- Performing trademark searches
- Assisting with Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution filings
Kathleen earned her Juris Doctor degree from the Duquesne University School of Law. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Pennsylvania State University, a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Microbiology-Medicine from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and five years post-doctoral research experience in the Department of Neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh. Though her background is based in biology, Kathleen works on patent applications in a number of technical fields including medical devices, metallurgical compositions, sporting equipment, software, and manufactured articles.
Kathleen is the Immediate Past Division B Director for District 13 of Toastmasters International and is a member of the Cranberry Area Toastmasters Club and the Cranberry High Noon Toastmasters Club. She is a member of the Pittsburgh Chapter of Women in Bio (Events Committee Chair, 2014-2015). She also is a member of the Millvale Sportsman’s Club, where she enjoys target shooting and archery, and is an NRA instructor for several courses: Basic Pistol, Personal Protection Inside the Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home, and Refuse to be a Victim.
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What to Expect From Working with Kathleen
“I am pleased with all of my dealings with The Lynch Law Group and especially Attorney Kathleen Kuznicki. Kathleen was very experienced and able to help me with several business matters. I would highly recommend Kathleen for any trademark or IP issues“
– Denise G.
Recent articles and videos by Kathleen Kuznicki
- The Comprehensive Guide to Brand Development and Protection
- Can I Trademark This?
- Do I Need a License to Play Music at My Business? (video)
- Intellectual Property Issues and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
- Patent Protections: Wright or Wrong?
- Spinning Out of Control: Peloton’s Attempts to Cancel a Trademark Bully
- How Scammers Target Your Employees to Steal Your Trade Secrets
- Copyright Registration For Blogs and Social Media Posts Just Got Easier
- Read the Terms of Service on Social Media Sites
- Blackbeard, Copyright Fair Use, and the COVID-19 Crisis
- Intellectual Property Goals For 2020
- 4 Things to Consider When Developing a New Product
- Increase the Value of Your Business by Protecting Your Competitive Edge
- Legal Tools Can Increase the Value of Your Business by Protecting Your Competitive Edge – Part 1
- A Descriptive Mark? Cornering the Market or Just Bad Branding?
- Can I Copyright My Logo?
- Learn Strategies for Managing Your Business and Protecting Your Brand
- Is It Worth Getting A Patent Even If You Never Intend To Litigate?
- I Think I Invented Something, Now What Do I Do?
- Might You Be a Copyright Infringer?
- The Power of “Patent Pending”
- Want To Keep Track Of Your Competition? Monitor Their Intellectual Property!
- When Does Your Website Become Your Greatest Risk?
- What is Intellectual Property and Why Protect It?
- Intro To Patents
- How Long Does it Take to Get a Patent?
- The Basics of Trademarks
- Intro To Copyrights
- Design Patent
- Licensing Agreements
- Getting a Patent: Outline of a Patent Application